Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Oh my Job Hunt
Well, there are some things that cannot be skipped on telling, like my job interview yesterday. :) It makes me laugh just THINKING about it. So, let me start at the beginning. I applied at this place called Visual Inventor, cool place really. They have an amazing portfolio for a design firm and they are based in Oklahoma City and doing awesome (without me) work. Anyway, I was so excited for this interview yesterday morning that I couldn't sleep at all on Wednesday night, just waiting for the moment when I could wake up, put on a cuter-than-normal "designerish" outfit and head out the door early. Well, first things first. I used mapquest and that was a no-no. Lost and...lost. I called to ask for some simple directions from where I was which I'm sure was not a huge deal, but notheless, I really just wasn't crazy about making THAT impression first. Oh well right? Well I find this building, well kind of. I parked at a building that I thought was the right one, only to figure out that it surely was not and I had to walk 2 blocks south to the right one. I didn't bother moving my car. I just figured, eh, 1. it would be more time wasted and 2. I didn't want to be late 3. i probably needed the exercise.
Well I walk in, and the man I had talked to on the phone looked EXACTLY like I had pictured him! This rarely happens to me and I was thrilled, of course thinking, oh "it's a sign!" hmmm. Well, I was told to have a seat and he'd be right back. I looked around at the art decor and was highly impressed. This place was legit. The stained cement floor added so much pizazz and the furniture was all artsy-vintage-sleek looking, if that's possible. It was nice. Their name was on a glass cutout hanging who-knows-how on the left wall and it looked amazing, just like a movie. Will this guys comes in, Tim, the owner of the company, and he seems nice enough. He starts asking me these interview type questions, and then I look down at his sheet and realize that he has a stapled PACKET of questions three pages long in what had to be 8pt. font. I mean, we're talking 50+ questions friends, and they were not easy questions. After sitting there for 20 minutes answering "what's your greatest strength?" and "what's your ideal job?" and random scenarios that apparently have a right and wrong answer according to his nods, the questions started getting interesting. "What is 85x3?" and "How many weeks are in a year?" and "What type of phone do you have?" I mean come on. There is a point at which you should stop asking questions and start listening to answers so that you don't have to ask common sense questions because after 45 interrogating stunner questions, shouldn't you be able to tell if you're talking to an idiot? Well, the last five questions were about web smarts. He said they wouldn't be that hard, everyone basically knew most of this stuff. Questions #1: "What if the SDFGLHS modem of the JFIEHDF drive connected to the KLJASFJKLHSF drive which is powered by the OIJDAFJ on the OIHASDFOSAD site. Okay Michelle, what did I just say in web language?"
Wow. I have no freaking idea Timmy. lol. Never learned those words before. What dictionary are you reading? Then he asked me some more, probably for most web geniuses, common sense questions, but for me "the normal one," (well I thought I was normal until this interview) very hard, and I looked stupid, and I felt stupid, and well, I probably was a little bit stupid...and he continued to waste his time, and then wasted mine by asking the remaining 4 questions and then he said he'd be in touch and I thought to myself, Sir, you don't even want me to do this job. I have a feeling that I would annoy you everyday of the entire year asking you what HJASDFLDASF modems and ASDFJKLHADSFKLH things were connected to. Legit place. Bad match. the job interviews. Never a dull moment right?
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Here Skinny Mini!
crunch crunch crunch.
Mini has decided that eating her food on the carpet is much more fun than in the kitchen on the floor (even though we put down a soft rug because we knew that). She grabs ONE PIECE of food, runs all the way to the center of the living room, eats it, and then returns to the kitchen to grab ONE MORE PIECE etc. etc. Oh my word. Who would have known that we picked such a comedic animal! I love her. She's getting so long. Long and strong with a mighty weenie strength. She looks so much like a hot dog now that I forget that she isn't one.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Thank to all of you who suggested great books to me! I will put them on my list of good ones to read... and bump them up to the top ;)
Today I have an interview at PotteryBarn, oh's an in-betweener job but hey, sounds fun to me. I have one on Thursday morning at 10am also that's pretty legit, so some extra prayers would be great. I want to stop worrying about this job thing already so I can get on with life, whatever that is...
Friday, August 22, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Worst Idea I've ever had
So obviously I love to read. I do. A good book is always a fantastic option. Started one last night around 5pm actually. Finished just a few minutes ago at 11:30 a.m. today. What a cures. Ever read "The Firm" by John Grisham? It's so good. However, to me, an aweful idea. I can't stop reading a good book, and not only was this one good, but so creepy and twisted that of course, I couldn't sleep, and was awake until 6 a.m. listening to odd "noises" around this place and even got up twice to check the front door. But, I continued reading because I wanted to ease the panic and finish the book on a good note right? Because of this dumb book, I now feel sicker than a camel and am exhausted from a night of sleepless turns and panic. It's a book! However, my nauseous stomach does not agree with me and my panic won't go away. Now I stare at everyone as though they are following me. This is ridiculous.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Some great bible verses for thought
"Do everything without complaining or arguing..." 2:14
This one is simple, plain and obvious, but it is also so easily forgotten in a society when everyone wants what they want. We complain about our hair color and argue that our $30,000/year salary should be more. We complain about our meat being overcooked when there are thousands starving in Africa. We complain that we have no money to spend on Starbucks coffee and we have to go home empty handed, and right then, we have already forgotten that millions in the world don't even have a home to go to. We argue about race, when we are wasting so much time loving one another. We argue about parking tickets when we know we weren't following the rules in the first place. We don't realize how much time we waste on the stupid things and the selfish gains. If we could just learn to look up.
"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. " Philippians 2:3
I'm reminded of one of my very favorite quotes from Mother Teresa who once said, "If you can't feed 100 people, than just feed one."
"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him." Lamentations 3:22-24
He'll be there. Right in time, he'll be there. I'm learning that as we speak.
ON A SIDE NOTE: I'd like to thank Jonathan for the story about the cracked chips ahoy cookie last night, I think his name was Sammy, yes Sammy. He was lost and alone in that poor cookie jar for 2 1/2 weeks! Then, thankfully Timmy ate him, crushed nicely between a few oreos that took pity on Sammy and took him in, allowing him to be mushed between their white and african american flavors. Timmy got a "magical" package of interesting cookies and lucky Sammy was finally eaten. I'm glad it all worked out. But REALLY, it's lucky Michelle, because without Jonathan, none of this lovely story would have been possible and I would never have gotten in my minimum quota of 100 laughs per week.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Today I saw the FATTEST dachshund walking out of the vet. I mean, I have NEVER seen anything like this in my life. It actually looked like a potbelly pig! It's belly was dragging the ground. That poor dog just eats too many treats. I thought it'd be funny to find a picture that was similar on the internet, but I guess what? It's impossible. After searching for a good 10 minutes, I've realized that the dog was too fat. There are no look alikes!
Friday, August 15, 2008

Today, I want to thank my husband Jonathan, without whom I would not be nearly as cool as I am. He has taught me to laugh a little more, joke a lot, and when in doubt--cut the seriousness. I'm learning to be a better person by watching his life, and I'm pleased with our life together. We are happy people, and happy to us has never equalled more money. I love you Jonathan.
"My heart flutters whenever I hear his key turning in the door, and I think to myself, oh goody, the party is about to start." -Anne Bancroft
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Beloved-Tenth Avenue North
Love of my life, look deep in my eyes. There you will find what you need. Give me your life. The lust and the lies, the past you're afraid I might see. You've been running away from me.
You're my Beloved.
Lover I'm yours.
Death shall not part us.
It's you I died for.
For better or worse, forever we'll be.
My love, it unites us, and it binds you to me.
It's a mystery.
Love of my life, look deep in my eyes. There you will find what you need. I'm the giver of life. I'll clothe you in white, my immaculant bride you will be. Oh come running home to me.
You're my Beloved.
Lover I'm yours.
Death shall not part us.
It's you I died for.
For better or worse, forever we'll be.
My love, it unites us, and it binds you to me.
You've been a mistress, my wife, chasing lovers it won't satisfy. Won't you let me make you my bride. You will drink of my lips and you'll taste new life.
Gas prices have been on the decline for 27 days now according to CNN. The height of fuel prices occurred on July 16th when prices were an average $4.12 nationwide. Oklahoma is second cheapest in the US. Perhaps we should be thankful and pray for lower prices. Although, I would EXPECT the prices to keep dropping until after the Presidential Elections. After all, we don't want people worrying about the economy right?
Peace to my Okies.
Monday, August 11, 2008
How to Make Balsamic Chicken
Easy Easy. Do you have 15 minutes? Than you can do this!
I use 1lb. of chicken, which is about 4 good sized breasts. I buy them trimmed and cut.
First, you'll want to heat up your skillet on the stove to about med-high heat. Put about 3 Tbsp EVOO (Extra virgin olive oil) in the skillet. Let this heat up a little bit, oh 2 minutes or so.
Put 2 Tbspn flour in a bowl and add a little salt. Stir this around and cover each chicken breast separately in the mixture. Put these in the skillet with the EVOO and cook the chicken.
Once cooked, add 6 cloves crushed garlic (fresh is best), 4 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar, 3/4 c. chicken broth, 1 bay leaf, 1/4 tsp. thyme and 1 Tbsp butter. Let this simmer with the lid on for about 10 minutes. You may want to flip at the 5 minute mark.
Done and Yum!!
There ya go. Easy as pie.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
I know where it came from. It came from my momma, who instinctively taught me to cook too much when people came over so no one went hungry. It was Sarahbeth, who taught me not to eat anything that wasn't "outstanding" because you can always get so-so food. It was Italy, who taught me how to make Balsamic Vinegar Chicken. And tonight friends, we're having dinner. Lots of it, with good friends, good food, and a whole lot of happiness. Here's to Chicken, garlic mashed potatoes, and some really good broccoli. Thanks to Brittany Whitman, we'll be having Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies too. I always thought it was a blessing to have a mother that was an incredible chef.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Internet is such a beautiful thing. It's amazing how much you can't do without it. Just think about it. Need a phone number? An address? A map? Need to talk to a person? Need a recommendation or a review? A restaurant reservation or a plane ticket? Need an animal? A wife? Need a new Coach purse or something from Africa? Well thank you World Wide Web. I love you today.
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