Several new things in my life that pump me up:
My mom is superwoman. I think she needs her own home show. She's a genuine Martha Stewart. She was here for 4 days and she showed me how to make homemade cinnamon rolls, biscuits, and lemon meringue pie from scratch. In her spare time, she did my laundry (no I did not ask her to!), hung new curtains on my windows!, and pretty much walked my dog, made my bed, etc... It did not used to be like this, but I like it! I love coming home to Baked Salmon with pasta and split pea soup. Days just seem a bit sweeter when it's all done for you!!
I got my hair cut today. New bangs. Not sure how I handle them yet, but I'm sure they'll wear on me. After Sarah cuts my hair, she always says, "you don't seem too nervous about your new hair" and I always say, "because you always cut it so dang well!" Hey, it's true!
Mini has taken ownership of our bed. I think we have a problem.
It's so hot outside that my sweat evaporates when I walk outside, so I have prefered to stay indoors as long as possible today. We're running 4 miles at 8:30pm and I am dreading the heat more than a Chemistry test. Sickening.
Jonathan made an awesome new wedding trailer for Rachel and Andy. He posted it on his
website if you want to check it out. It's pretty sweet, and of course, he has much more on the way.
I love the color green. It's so...FRESH.
I'm trying to organize receipts, it's like a new hobby or passion, or okay--just a necessity of life, but I'm trying to get excited about keeping track of money. Woohoo receipt receptacle!
Love my friend Andrea.
Was excited about taking a cake class but not sure the status of the class considering my friend and her life plan has changed since we signed up together. Good for her though! Way to follow her dreams. I'll learn to make cakes on my own. I only have to impress Jonathan anyway, and he loves me regardless, so that's a cinch.
Purple is marvelous. I recently discovered how much I liked it when everything I wanted was plum colored. It's funny how everything in the past year is practically purple and I am just now realizing it.
Sundays should be called Slowdays.
Anyway-- everyone reading...write something on your blog. Add a recipe. Tell me a story. I want to read about you too. I'll share some awesome cooking tips I learned this week in my next post. How bout that? If you want to know more of my secrets, you'd better come over and get some pie yourself.