It is only a matter of hours before a completely spotless house becomes cluttered and dirty. You know what I’m talking about. Your spouse comes into the kitchen to get a snack and all of a sudden there is a whole sink full of dirty dishes to wash. How did all those shoes end up at the front door when you just got done putting them away? And how in the world did the laundry pile up so fast? Keeping your house clean can be a chore, but you don’t have to let it run your life!
First things first—life happens! It is just going to be messy sometimes. But, if you are one of the women all over the world that need help handling a messy family or just a messy you, here are some tips. You can make your house more inviting and achieve a cleaner, picked-up look by doing the little things constantly. If something takes less than 30 seconds, such as hanging your coat up, then do it right then. Don’t procrastinate the little things and it might surprise you how clean things will stay. Did you know that living in a clean environment is actually proven to lower stress?! If there is an understanding of order and cleanliness around the house, chances are that those around you will take interested in your new clean lifestyle as well.
Perhaps you have too much clutter. It never hurts to downsize your stuff. Remember to keep only what is most important and throw out old nick nacks and papers as soon as possible. If you do have lots of stuff laying around (especially in the office) get a file cabinet to organize it with labeled folders so important papers don’t get lost. If you have too many shoes, dishes, or furniture, maybe it is time for a garage sale. Extra cash is always a great idea! Remember to keep what is necessary and let go of some of the junk!
And now my personal favorite--have a little sit-down conversation (with homemade brownies, of course) with the others in your house and ask (nicely, very nicely) for some help around the house every once in a while. If they feel that you took the time to make this a special request because you were feeling overwhelmed, but did it in a nice and considerate way, they will tend to be more sensitive to your feelings. Besides, we all know that chocolate listens with love. That being said....BE INSPIRED and go ORGANIZE!!!