Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Gentle Whisper

Sometimes the Lord speaks with a booming voice, and sometimes he speaks with a gentle whisper.

I had a garage sale last weekend, and made some money with a lot of my good friends. We split up all the procedes afterward and I had made about $250. I was really excited about this extra cash because first of all, it doesn't come around all that often, and second, because I had specifically been wanting an iphone. I had enough to buy it now. Well, I went to church last Sunday and David had been talking about Nehemiah. Nehemiah was a cupbearer for the king, but he had a seriously broken heart for the broken down walls of Jerusalem. Only because of God's mighty hand was he able to go to the king and request to rebuild the walls of the city of his father. The king said yes and he went, getting everyone involved. Last week's sermon specifically talked about how Nehemiah had people working on the wall right where they lived. They worked on the section closest to their house because that was the section that they cared most about. It makes sense doesn't it? If someone was attacking, wouldn't they want to know that their section was built the best that it could be built? Well, I got a lot from this. People were doing their own part to help where they were. So I began to think, what about Bethany, Oklahoma?? What am I doing to help here? What can I do with what I have been given?

Then I heard it. I heard that still small voice. "Michelle, give it away. Michelle, you need to give your money away. Let it go. You don't need it, and someone else really does."

I heard this and, of course, contemplated this voice because that meant no iphone. I wanted to make sure that it wasn't just my imagination. But no, it was God, and I was sure. "Sure God. I'd love to. Who did you have in mind?" I was really excited now. He was using me in His plan!!
Well, Jonathan told me that he watched to match this money and then I got really excited. Wow. I love how God uses measly little humans like me. I felt needed and loved. It's amazing how giving away money that you thought that you needed is so uplifting. I didn't need an iphone in the least little bit. I didn't need anything I would have bought with that $250. I probably would have bought more stuff that I would sell 3 year down the road in the next garage sale anyway. God always provides. I know that I know that I know that you CANNOT outgive God. I have been a recipient of his love and faithful mercies since I can remember, and it's true. You just can't keep what you don't give away.

So I called up this lady who God had very clearly put on my heart with a very clear use for the money. I told her that I had $500 for her and explained why I wanted to give it to her and specifically what it was for. She became silent on the phone and all I could hear was sniffles. "Michelle," she whispered, "but how did you know?" In a crackly broken voice she continued on. "That is the exact amount that we needed. I was afraid I was going to have to leave my kids and go get a job to pay for that this month and I just cannot believe how God has used you. Thank you so much, Michelle. You just have no idea." I began to cry too, and then I realized once again, that God was stretching me, using me, and molding me for something even greater.


sara said...

wow! God is so incredible!! Praise Him! thanks for sharing Michelle!!
love you!

Mrs. Kelly Ross said...

michelle what an AMAZING STORY i love it- GOD IS SO GOOD, i agree- THANK YOU for sharing!

Mendy said...

Michelle, I loved you before, but I love my big sister even more!

Thanks for allowing God to use you. I JUST THANK GOD FOR BRINGING YOU INTO MY FAMILY AND MY LIFE! :)

Love you....

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