My husband Jonathan takes the cake.
So when we first got married, it wasn't like birthdays were overlooked at our house, but to Jonathan it was that one day where you got to pick where you wanted to go out to eat and that was pretty much all. Now, if that's what you do at your house, that's awesome! I think whatever traditions you have with your loved ones are the right ones. me growing up, birthdays were much like a queen-for-the-day ordeal (which took poor Jonathan off guard I think) filled with absolutely anything and everything that the birthday girl or guy loved. And let me tell you, the Dawson family did not hold back! This is one of those learning moments in marriage where your expectations in your mind don't come out quite right when the event approaches because you both didn't realize how different you were growing up. Anyway...Jonathan has since very much changed for me (which just shows how much he cares about loving me) because it's not necessary, yet he continues to try all the harder to make me happy each and every year (very much outdoing himself by the way).
So today, my sweet sweet guy went the extra mile, and I'm not lying in the slightest when I say it was the best birthday yet.
6:45- Jonathan made me funfetti breakfast pancakes (cake for breakfast you ask?!) YES! With frosting and sprinkles too! (If you knew healthy Jonathan, you would realize the love in those pancakes. He ATE some with me too!)

...and some presents (clothes and an awesome gold bracelet)

...and a hand drawn pic of course :)

7:00-Family nap. We were all tired.

10:00-Dropped Truett off at school and went out for some fun together.
10:30-Target. Got some new fun shoes and an apple to eat (feeling guilty about those pancakes I guess). The lady in the line behind me said, "Oh honey, I was laughing to myself because that explains why I'm short and fat and you're tall and thin. You're eating an apple while I'm buying a Snickers." Poor dear. I wish I would have thought to tell her what I had for breakfast!

11:30-Went to Musashi's for lunch only to realize that they're closed on Mondays. Bummertown! Oh well...plan B....Anthropologie (Jonathan was such a sport with the shopping today)! Check out these awesome measuring spoons in the shape of a milk bottle. So fun.

12:00-We went to Red Robin for lunch. Accidentally got their "spicy ketchup" and HELLO....consider it recommended. Go getcha some. That's stuff is seriously good!
1:00- Took a visit to Pier one to look around...and play with huge utensils.

1:30- Mall shopping. Okay okay, more like GAP shopping, but still, we both found a couple things, so that was like a mini vacation splurge. Went to a few more stores, laughed a lot, then went to pick up Truett.

4:00-Dropped by Jonathan's aunt and uncle's house to see his parents that were staying there and let them play with the little guy.
6:00 Spinach Salad for dinner made by my Chef husband (no, really. he shows me up like...every day).
7:00- LifeGroup came over for brownie sundaes (and Andrew, my brother came too!)
All in all, a really wonderful day! Thanks for all the nice text messages, emails, and phone calls. I have the worlds best family and friends! Much love to you all! And yes, I'm 26. Don't remind me that we're rounding to 30 now. You're only as old as you feel I hear. Going on 20 then, right?

And it still goes on. Does he really need to smother me this badly? No. But he does, and I do not take it for granted. I found a gem.

So sweet. I love it!
What a wonderful birthday! You are loved!
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