Thursday, August 23, 2012


Oh my. Have you read my last post? When I remembered what I had written just a few days ago, I felt such a sense of peace.

Our house got robbed yesterday while Jonathan and I were at work. Scary, right?! I don't love thinking about a complete stranger trampling through our house, knocking things off shelves, flipping our mattress, emptying our drawers on the floor, and stealing our stuff. It gives you the creeps right? Yeah, me too. This has happened to us before, and it was one of those most horrifying experiences of my life. But this time, I wasn't as shook up, and I know why. I'm stronger. Spiritually, I know where I stand with God. I talk to him daily, and I trust him more. Did I jump every time I heard a noise this morning? Yeah, but I know God holds my hand at each moment, and I'm going to be ok.

So remember my last post? I know that God was saving me from someone. I'm sure of it. That night I had called Jonathan to tell him I felt scared. I told him I thought someone was going to break into our house and kill me and Truett, and I was convinced of it, like...a premonition. Now I know why. I truly believe God heard my prayer for safety and spared us that night. What would have happened if we were home yesterday? Who knows. But I do know that God is solely responsible for our safety, our house, our life.

Matthew 5:39 says, "But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also."

I believe that God loves these people that broke into our house, just as much as he loves me, and I've imagined many times today what I'd say to them if I met them. I'd tell them to keep the stuff, and I'd ask what they needed money for, and then pay for whatever it was, no matter how much. Then, I'd invite them to church. That's what God would do, because he did it for us on the cross. These people must be hurting, or have a genuine need.

You never know the opportunities life will present, but regardless of anything big or small, I know my days on earth are numbered, so I will live each year, each day, and each breathe for a purpose. Glory to God, for he has done wonderful things!

"They do not fear bad news, they confidently trust the Lord to care for them."  Psalm 112:7

"I have told you this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world." John 16:33

I encourage you to think of something you can do for the Lord this week, big or small, and do it, just because you love him.


angie on maui said...

Wow, Michelle. You have such clarity about this! I had to read your previous post before I allowed myself to read this one. God is so amazing! What a blessing that you and Truett were spared and that nobody was home when the thieves broke in.

Fear and worry are things that I struggle with, daily, and for some reason, the words you wrote in your previous post (about Satan wanting to break our confidence in God) really spoke to me. It's so true and so obvious, that I'm amazed how I *still* miss this simple fact in the midst of my anxiety.

I'm so glad that you're all ok and that what was stolen was just "things". We can't take them with us, anyway.

John 16:33. I needed this reminder. Thank you.


Michelle said...

Thanks Angie! I'm always encouraged by your art and journals. You are one sweet friend and have such a pure heart.

Janette said...


I am always so encouraged by your perspective! I am so thankful that you and your family are safe, but even more thankful that we serve a God who loves us, protects us, and provides for our needs. Your faith is so inspring to me. I really look up to you, Michelle!


Rachel said...

What a hard lesson to have run home. thanks for sharing both post. I found you through she reads truth. Come meet me and my crew at

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