Thursday, June 15, 2023

So many inputs, not enough kid

 Have you ever felt that your life is full of so many inputs - albeit good ones, there are just SO many people telling you what to do, what to think, how to live, how to behave, what is right, wrong, or what you should prefer. It can be overwhelming. How do you silence it, and how do you know what voices to listen to and which to ignore anyway?

Here's something else I've noticed lately - just like I sift through the weeds among the flowers before I put them in a vase, I have to sift through opinions before I choose to listen. If I am looking to find the color yellow, I'm going to find it. If I'm looking for something black and rusty, I'm sure I'll find that too. So I think it's fair to say that perhaps what I'm looking for is what I'm ultimately going to find more of.

Am I allowing others into my thoughts, to see the best of me? Am I sifting out the thoughts I want to dwell on and believe are healthy, or do I listen to all the advice and the millions of "professionals" that send advice my way?

All I know is my head is so full of advice, so full of the"right way to do things" and the best approach to pretty much anything. So...I'm looking for a friend to actually just have fun with. To laugh with, to not be in a hurry, to enjoy life a little more and be grouchy a little less, and to explore the beautiful world God made. I sound like a kid...but I am one. Why does anyone have to grow up anyway? Who made that a thing?


Sunday, September 9, 2018

The More of Less

The beauty of less is that you have MORE time to give, more energy to share, and more life to live. Your life isn't surrounded by things all around you. You simply have what brings you joy, and everything else you let go.

My whole life I've heard people say, "well you can't take it with you when you die" which is a) morbid but b) compeletely true. You really can't.

Living life with less means less time dusting, buying, moving, selling, giving, worrying, and more time living, sleeping, playing, traveling, and maintaining. There are things we need in life, and those things are God, family, food, shelter, and air. The rest is a bonus. I think just this year our family has found the balance of what's right for us.  We originally wanted a tiny little house. Truly tiny, about 1,050 square feet actually. It was small, but it was fine, and life really was simple. We had extra money, more time, but the one thing missing was personal space.  You can't fully relax if you never have a moment to be alone or think. When you are trying to read and you can hear someone else breathing, it might be too tight. That's what we ran into with little kids.

Now, I would say we've found a happy medium. We live on some land, we have time together, the house isn't too big, but enough that everyone has their own personal space. I'm all about a home feeling like a home. We need pictures on the walls of people that we love, we need furniture that's inviting so people want to come, and then they like to stay.

The beauty of less is that it doesn't take long to clean. There's more time for cooking, for swinging, for football on Saturday, and I love it all.

If just reading this gives you hives and stresses you out, this probably isn't how you need to live. This may not be your mantra, but for us, for the Meisners, we just prefer the beauty of simplicity.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Back to Blogging

I know I haven't been on this blog in 4 years, but I'm back. I miss it. I love it. I don't want a fancy blog anymore, I want a familiar one. I think it took it out of me to try to update and fix and know a new format so I just...quit. Isn't that sad? I just want the simple one.

It's like choosing Cheerios and Milk over and omlet. Sometimes you feel most at home with the familiar. I started this blog in college, and it's all I've ever known. It's for me to write, and I love what I love. And I miss my family of bloggers. I just want to WRITE.

Hope everyone is doing well. Can't wait to write my thoughts and tell you about life and ALL the wonderful things that have happend in my world these last 4 years. I think I'm the same person, just improved and a little wiser perhaps?

Talk soon!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Come Visit my new Blog!

Been missing me? Come on over to my new blog at and bookmark my new site! All of these exact posts from this blog are living there now. It's just prettier and nicer. :) See you soon!


6/15/2023 update - BTW - moving my blog to a more pretty one actually meant "complicated" and "lose all your followers" so I'm back, and even if this blogger website isn't the most fancy of them all, it's real and easy and I love it.  ;) Love ya'll.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

10 Important Things

I'm currently 28. 27? Wait…yes, I'm sure I am 28. So what is important to a 28 year old living my life? I'll tell you, in no particular order.

1. Happy faces that are smiling and glad to see me at home. Nothing better in the world.
2. Funny writers, good fiction, and amazing storytellers.
3. Time alone.
4. Eating really good sushi, apples, hummus, spinach, celery, or cutie oranges.
5. 10 hours of sleep with no interruptions.
6. Rain.
7. Talking to my mom and dad. I don't call them enough.
8. Finishing things that I start.
9. Cleaning my house. What? No judging. It always seems to be dirty. :)
10. Talking to God.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Looking Back with God

So this past year. My goodness, let's talk about that, huh? God has blessed me in so many unbelievable ways, but has also challenged me beyond what I thought was my capacity. Beyond words, actions, thoughts, and everything in between. But that's the thing with God. One thing I'm sure of is that he may challenge you, he may allow hard circumstances, but he will never ever leave you, or leave you the same. Praise to him for that!

Where to begin? In January I was celebrating having the most adorable 1 year old. It's hard to try and remember how that was, actually, even though it was a short year ago. Truett was struggling with keeping food down, still spitting up a lot, and I was working on the Learning Team at In February, Jonathan was diagnosed with epilepsy and having simple partial seizures, which has since been taken care of with medication and really great doctors! That same week, I got some surprising MRI results with "white matter" appearing, and took multiple tests and saw several doctors before being diagnosed with MS in March. Can I just say, God is so good? It's all good, and life is hard sometimes, but you know what people don't hear about? The day to day. The little things. The quiet whispers in each and every moment. The little things that God provides. The small ways that he speaks to me daily, luring me back to himself. He is there, by my side at all times, encouraging me and loving me...winning me over with his love. There's not other way to put it. God hears all, sees all, and knows all, and this year has been all about trusting.

I have changed my diet drastically. It's not for fun, trust me. It's a non-fat, gluten free, non processed food diet. I'm not sure how else to put it. It's not always fun, but I know that someday will come when I will be thankful for every choice I ever made when I have more kids, a long healthy life, and when God proves his faithfulness to me when I'm healed 100%. Trust me, the day will come, and the Lord should be exalted in every way. All good things come from him. ALL good things, and in my little mind, my small life is important to me, and I'm important to God, but I seriously am the smallest little thread in this grand tapestry that he is weaving, and I'm thankful to be the best Michelle I can be! That doesn't mean I have perfect health, it doesn't mean I never make mistakes, and it doesn't mean I'm a perfect mother.

It means I have trust in the Lord more than my feelings.
It means I know who I am and not just what I do every day.
It means I choose to believe that I am special and significant, and the smallest menial tasks matter to God.
It means that I am not good, but since God is, he has forgiven me and sees me as good anyway. (Can I get an amen?)

Ironic then, that at the end of this 2013, I have been struggling with anxiety and panic attacks. I hate to admit it, but then again, I don't. I'm real, I'm authentic, and I refuse to hide any part of my life. Cause guess what? I'm willing to bet there are at least 5 other people out there that are reading this blog, wondering if they're the only ones. And you're not. God is doing a work in me right now, just like I believe he can and will do a good work in you! In 2014, I will not be shaken. He holds my hand and he is right beside me. I refuse to take medication for panic, because I know that God hears me and he cares. The reality that shakes my physical body is sometimes linked to my mental state, and I simply have begun putting myself through a spiritual bootcamp. If I am weak, he will make me strong. When I am not good enough, he will restore my thoughts and my spirit. He has not given me a spirit of fear, but of love....and of a sound mind. I have always been a stubborn person, and I don't apologize for it. I'm strong in whatever I set my mind to, and I'm setting my mind to this. God can and will restore my thoughts, my life, and he will use me in remarkable ways for his glory!

In 2014, God will be glorified through me, I will have discipline in every aspect of my life, and I will, I will, I will...enjoy the ride.

It's going to be a good year at this house, you can count on it!

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."
2 Timothy 1:7



Today during my devotions, I asked God this question:

If I were to put on one garment of clothing this week (figuratively), what would it be? What does it represent?

I sat for a while, looking out the window, asking God to answer me, and I heard a lot of peace and quiet. I didn't hear many words from the Lord, which is fine. Perhaps it wasn't the best question, but I waited and listened anyway. Then I began to see in my mind, co. I'm not sure what I was hoping for, but co didn't make much sense. Please don't stop God. What is it? What is the word? Help me grow into who you have planned for me to be, and teach me what I need to learn so that I can do your will! I'm listening. I'll do whatever you ask, Lord. And then it came... comfort. Put on comfort. Learn it and know what I say about comfort, so that you can be there for others in their time of need this week. 

In a million years, I would not have thought to stop and read about God's comfort today. But because it just takes a few moments to stop and listen, God could talk with me, and I can be there for someone else this week. What do you want to ask God today? Take a moment of time, and sit, ask a question, and then listen for his voice. Just listen. He'll come through for you too. He always comes through.

All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.

2 Corinthians 1:3-5

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