Saturday, October 13, 2012


It's what you do with the good season that makes you strong enough for the difficult one.

Are you stuck in a pouring rainstorm? You know, the kind of rain that blows sideways and ruins the trees in your backyard? Or are you relaxing in the middle of a sunny beach listening to the ocean waves and soaking up the summer breeze? Maybe you're just enjoying the nice fall weather and you're somewhere in the middle.

Stop and think about whatever season you're in, and let's talk. First, let me remind you oh so honestly that God is constant. He does not change. Ever. Isn't that the best news you've heard all day? What he said thousands of years ago is still just as true today, so you can believe his promises--every single one. Open up that Bible and read it! All kind of wisdom and life-secrets are in there, and free for the taking! :)

So what season are you in? 

A good season- What are you doing today to prepare for hard days? This is your chance to load the ammo, fill up your cup, and stockpile Ramen noodles. The way I prepare for these harder seasons is with fanatic discipline. I could make a goal to run a marathon next week, but if I don't train for weeks and months, I'd probably only get 10 miles in before I quit. Am I right? A long, slow, walk is going to take me much farther. Do you need to read the Bible every morning? Meet with an accountability partner every week? What is it? If God is a part of your life every day, you're not going to wake up in a hard season and suddenly forget him. God is constant, and we should strive to be like him. Start now, and don't just pray to him when you're in trouble. He wants to to talk to you all the time. For heavens sake, I tell him jokes, ask him about my groceries, and then pray for miracles and complete healing from life-threatening illnesses. Nothing is off-limits!

A difficult season- What are you doing to remember God's faithfulness? Are you marching on each day with constant love and trust in the God that never leaves you? What are you learning? Allow this time to help your heart to grow. What a blessing! If you never had hard times, you'd never have an opportunity to grow your trust in God! If we are only happy in the good times, where is the fun in that? It's in the hard times that you have a chance to prove that what you say is true, and that you really are who you say that you are. Believe it or not, I've learned to pray for these hard seasons in life, because they have made me into a much more beautiful person in every way, stretching me to be more flexible, loving, kind, generous, understanding, and thankful than every before.

"Don't grieve God. Don't break his heart. His Holy Spirit, moving and breathing in you, is the most intimate part of your life, making you fit for himself. Don't take such a gift for granted." -Ephesians 4:30


Anonymous said...

Visiting from She Reads Truth, I absolutely love your blog and needed to hear this! :)

Unknown said...

Hi, visiting from SheReadsTruth. Loved finding your blog and your photos are lovely too! It's really encouraging how you are relying on the Lord. I think I'm in the inbetween season. :) I love that you tell God jokes, about your groceries, etc. I need to start making my time with him more than what's 'scheduled'!

Michelle said...

Thank you gals :) I checked your blogs out. So fun!!

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