Thursday, June 15, 2023

So many inputs, not enough kid

 Have you ever felt that your life is full of so many inputs - albeit good ones, there are just SO many people telling you what to do, what to think, how to live, how to behave, what is right, wrong, or what you should prefer. It can be overwhelming. How do you silence it, and how do you know what voices to listen to and which to ignore anyway?

Here's something else I've noticed lately - just like I sift through the weeds among the flowers before I put them in a vase, I have to sift through opinions before I choose to listen. If I am looking to find the color yellow, I'm going to find it. If I'm looking for something black and rusty, I'm sure I'll find that too. So I think it's fair to say that perhaps what I'm looking for is what I'm ultimately going to find more of.

Am I allowing others into my thoughts, to see the best of me? Am I sifting out the thoughts I want to dwell on and believe are healthy, or do I listen to all the advice and the millions of "professionals" that send advice my way?

All I know is my head is so full of advice, so full of the"right way to do things" and the best approach to pretty much anything. So...I'm looking for a friend to actually just have fun with. To laugh with, to not be in a hurry, to enjoy life a little more and be grouchy a little less, and to explore the beautiful world God made. I sound like a kid...but I am one. Why does anyone have to grow up anyway? Who made that a thing?


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