Check out my better half's new awesome wedding trailer. This man is talented! But, don't take my word for it...see for yourself!
For more info about this talented man:
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Name that Room
As I was room-hunting, I stumbled on some really awesome rooms...that reminded me of certain friends. This is fun. Who do they remind you of?
2. Sarah T.
3. Janette
4. Mendy
5. My momma
6. Andrea
7. KENDI!!!!!!!
8. Grandma
9. Aubree
10. I'm stuck on this one. I don't know? Possibly Larissa.
11. Candace
1. Neely

Sunday, October 24, 2010
Do Good
It's not every day that I blog with this many words. But when I do, there is usually a reason. Today is no different. Have you ever read Galations 6:9? This is quickly becoming my favorite verse.
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
My, those are wonderful words to hear, aren't they? There are so many times when we're stuck in the middle, the tough spots, the hard conversations, the rotten situations, or the bad decisions. But, do you see how even in those times, things can STILL be worked together for the good of God's genius plan? Maybe you certainly can't see it right now, you don't understand it all, but you don't have to. You're not supposed to. God is God. Do your part and continue to stay the course--and do good.
Good things don't get you into heaven, not at ALL, but it pleases the Father, so isn't that reason enough? Why wouldn't you want to please God? Don't you want to see an awesome reaping in your own life from God's love poured out on others?
Be encouraged teachers. You are making a difference.
Don't give up all of you tired moms. Show love, mercy, and forgiveness to your family.
Don't lash out at your spouse when they do things you don't understand. Respect them anyway and love them more.
Stop to help the lady on the side of the road with a flat tire, even if it means you are late to that meeting. What's really important in life anyway?
Thank people who are blessings in your life today. Don't wait.
Continue to love people that are difficult. Continue to show them more mercy, more grace, and more forgiveness than you think they deserve. It's the least we can do after What God has done for us? I don't deserve a thing I've been given, or an ounce of grace, but God gave it to me anyway. Not some of it, all of it. All of his grace!
Love others generously. With your time, your money, and your words. There are times in our lives when we don't have the resources, so take advantage of your blessings TODAY. There is always something you can give.
Love more.
Give more.
Serve more.
You won't always see the impact, but it's there. I've learned that God can use anything. Anything.
Plant seeds. Live life. Someday, WE (together as Christians) will reap a harvest if we do not give up...maybe not in this lifetime, but I am willing to bet on my life that it will be the best investment you've ever made.
Love White
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Melodie + Lee
This pic is my fave! It reminds me of Twilight, hence the awesomeness!

Saturday, October 16, 2010
Fruit Flies
Okay, maybe it's just my house, but maybe not. If you have crazy fruit flies like us (and no, we have no fruit or rotting ANYTHING anywhere), try this genius idea from my good friend Candace.
1. Pour apple cider vinegar in a bowl and set it on the counter
2. Cover the bowl with tight plastic wrap and poke small holes in the top (not too big or they'll fly back out)
The flies can get in, but not out. Like I said, genius!
It's been an hour and I've already captured about 20! Claim your house again. Ready, Set, Go!!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Stuff for Sale!!
Jump on over to a new blog and check it out!! LOTS of great perfume, cell phones, books, home decor, and more.

Happy shopping!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Let me explain
1. This is me apologizing for not finishing our home office yet! I am so close, but not close enough... because it's October! I plan on finishing at least the paint this week and hope to get pictures up by Friday. I want it so badly, therefore, it's achievable with a little focus.
2. My house is messy. I'm not sure that I have a great excuse for this. No, actually, I don't. My mother had the busiest schedule in the world, a full-time job, and 3 kids, and yet somehow found a way to keep our house clean and do our laundry. I know that this isn't always a reasonable expectation. But for me, this week, someone should have said, "Michelle, clean the house." This too will also be done by Friday.
3. Sometimes in my life I just find excuses. There comes a point at which I should stop making excuses and start living.
Like right now.
I should probably stop typing and fold the laundry, but my concern for my personal relationships and my passions stand in the way! That's okay sometimes, but other times it's not. So, life is a balancing act and I'll continue on the road to figuring it out, because I also believe in down time. It's needed just as much as hard work.
4. I forgot to feed my dogs tonight. What is my problem? I had so much going on that I didn't remember to feed them?! Oh wait, or to let them in--twice today? I'm glad they're not children.
5. I did not make the bed one time in the last 2 weeks.
6.I have a dirty car. I am also thankful for the delicious rain outside right now.
7. I did not drinking enough water this week. I need to work on this one.
I'm a real person...with real problems. I hope that you wonderful readers realize you're not the only one out there with a messy house, dirty car, or a long to-do list. Life happens, so have the most wonderful time living it this week!!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Katy Perry
Your life will not be complete unless you WATCH this insanely awesome VIDEO! I'm so serious! This guy only uses his voice to make every single noise--which he'll show you at the end. Thanks Jonathan. He always knows how to make my Friday!
If you like Owl City, the beginning noises in this one really made say, "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!!!"
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
This song...
My heart...
Holy are you God
Holy is your name
With everything I've got
My heart will sing
How I love you
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Find the blessings

Right now, I just want to say that I don't really mind being stuck in Gunnison, Colorado. Um, have you ever been here? Serious beauty is outside! I'm not sure how many of those that came on this trip are still on the positivity train, but I could care less. Can I please stay here forever? This is the most beautiful place ever (Well, I mean Alaska was alright too...I guess). So, I'm sitting here (with Steph above) and all the other girls in the cutest little coffee shop called "The Bean". Maybe I'll drive back here someday just to visit? Live life. Don't waste a day. Find the blessings. That's all.
10 girls-3 that flew home on a plane+1 new bride-6 girls broken down in Colorado=memories
Friday, October 1, 2010
Wedding Bells
It's an early morning. I'm not sure what I want to say in this post other than I'm SO excited to be going to Colorado today to see my dear friend, Sara, get married! It's like I turned around, and life happened. Slow down, slow down, oh please, just a little. :)
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