Saturday, June 25, 2011

Memorize it.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 NIV

I've been reading a book called Power of a Whisper by Bill Hybels, and it's really been teaching me so much. I wanted to share this little part with you, because simple as it is, it's absolutely true, and resonated with my soul this morning.

Basically there are 3 categories, and everyone falls under one of them.
BP (before pain)- which means that up to this point in your life, God's promise to "work for the good in all things" is nothing more than a theory that you have. Keep this Romans 8:28 promise close by, because someday, when your ship rocks (everyone's does at some point) you'll have something to stand on.

IP (in pain)- these people are in the midst of some of the hardest struggles. At some point, everyone is going to face hardships of some kind, and this verse is a lifeline to the soul. Don't ignore it or forget it. God is going to work everything out for the good of those who love him. Plain and simple.

AP (after pain)- to be honest, this is my category. Basically I've made it through some tough issues and come out alive after all. God has been faithful, and for me, Romans 8:28 is pure treasure. After fighting to save a broken marriage and then months of pure fear from the devil's attacks after clear success, it makes me more sure than ever that God always has my best interest at heart.

One of my favorite Psalms in the Bible is Psalm 30, because that is what God gave me during these hard times, and I don't ever want to forget it. I read it over and over because it was his personal promise to me, and it still stands true today. I want to share what I believe is the best part (the end, of course).

Hear, Lord, and be merciful to me; Lord, be my help. You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. Lord my God, I will praise you forever. Psalm 30:10-12 NIV

Every time that I read that, I cry. Not sad tears, tears of joy, because why on earth did God choose to replace my hardships with joy? Why does he promise to work out everything for our good? Our God is too big to ignore and too wonderful to comprehend. He works in ways that we will never understand, and I'm so thankful for that. If I understood Him, I wouldn't have to trust Him.

Remember today that God promises goodness for your tomorrows, regardless what realities you're living through today. Hold on to that, won't you? Romans 8:28 is life-giving. Memorize it.


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU. I don't have words to express how much this post resonated with MY soul. Love your heart and transparency. And, might be a bit creepy, but somehow I'm saving this post forever.. Maybe in Word or something, not sure, but it will be saved!

Emily said...

I came across your blog a few months ago, and it is posts like these that keep me coming back. These gentle and honest reminders from you to stay strong in my faith are refreshing. Thank you.

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